Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

in the moment

A friend of mine made a FaceBook post that got me thinking, I went to bed thinking about it and woke up in the middle of the night thinking about and when I got up in the morning thinking about.

Her post, "if I could turn back time."  I comented back with "if I could find away" (the song by Cher). This post really got to me and after the Cher song was out of my head I couldnt stop thinking.

I thought about it....

If I could turn back time, I would have done this.
If I could turn back time, I wouldn't have done that.
If I could turn back time, I would have dated this person.

If I could turn back time, I wouldn't have dated that person.

If I could turn back time, I would wouldn't have moved to another state.

If I could turn back time, I would have did things different in high school.

If I could turn back time, I would have done better in college.

If I could turn back time, I would have worked harder.

The list can go on and on, but if I could turn back time my life wouldn't be as it is today. I'm so happy that God has a plan for me.

I have a wonderful husband!

I have 3 crazy wonderful kids!
Most importantly I said, I DO to Jesus, to follow him!

So, now I don't want to turn back time, I want to live in the moment that I have been given.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

check ups 2012

The kids had their yearly check up and the stats are:

40 lbs

57 lbs
4' 1/2"

51 lbs
3' 9 1/2"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Peyton is 6

Peyton is SIX!!!!!
Peyton got to celebrate her birthday 2 times this year. On her birthday at Gump and Granny's, with a wonderful cooked lunch of home made chicken tenders and all the fixins (made by Granny), So yummy! And a cake with chocolate frosting, (what else would you put on Peyton's cake).
Peyton's birthday picks:
Dinner: Snappy Tomatoes Pizza and don't for get the garlic butter dipping sauce
Cake: Strawberry cake with chocolate frosting (made by Peyton and Daddy)
Ice Cream: Superman
We had a little birthday party of Peyton where we baked cookies in the shapes of butterflies and hearts, and the kids got to decorate them and take home.

Fun fact about Peyton: wants to be a doctor, dentist, teacher, and a mommy (with 1 kid) when she grows up!
Peyton got many wonderful gifts for her birthday, and she got the one she had been asking for months easy cook over (Easy Bake over).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

school 2012-2013

This school year we had two Evans kids going to school at South Elementary.  Emma in 1st grade and Peyton in kindergarten. Hayden went to First Baptist Child Development Center We had three every excited kids, ready to start the school year off. Ready to learn, make new friends and play. 

Hayden's fist day was a breeze, no crying from Hayden when Robert and I dropped him, (mommy a little bit of crying as she was walking of the room). When we pick him he was full of smiles, so much to tell us. Hayden enjoyed his days at school, made friends, played hard every day, when weather was good he came home with shoe full of sand, pockets full of acorns, had to give a daily good bye hug to Ms. Darlene, learned to count, colors, shapes, songs. During the school year Hayden was sent home twice with notes saying he bitten a friend. Hayden loved his days at First Baptist and is ready for Pre-K. Hayden for just being a kid you rock!

Our Little Peyton starting kindergarten, boy was she ready. Peyton watched for a year as Emma went to school every day, getting on the bus, coming with so many stories, Peyton wanted to do the same. Fist day of school Peyton had no problem saying good bye, she was asking me (mommy) to leave. Peyton worked hard her kindergarten year, her speech improved, hand writing got better every day, sight words she flow through. Peyton made many friends, one friend we hard about every day was a little boy named John. Peyton received her Kindergarten Diploma May 16th 2012, along with Jump Rope Award for jumping rope 9 time and also the friendship award, Peyton's teacher,  Mrs. Morgan, said  "Peyton is always a good friend!" Peyton Jo, we are so proud of you. Peyton, you are one smart little girl!

Emma went in to 1st grade like a pro, ready for what ever the day would bring. Emma loved her 1st grade year, learning to read, writing made up stories, being books from home to reading aloud to the class, art class, challenging math problems. Emma ended the school on the A and B honor roll all 4 grading periods, received encouraging words from Ms. Brooks " Emma always does her best every day!" Awarded a certificate for creative writing, jump rope award for jumping rope 24 times, from the PTA high flyer award saying "Emma follows all the rules and loves to help any way and anyone that she can!" Emma you are a super star!

Last day of school, after Kindergarten graduation. Robert and I took the girls out to Red Robin and to watch Avengers (the movie).

School year 2012-2013 is fast approaching are kids are ready for the year, but is mommy and daddy ready...?

Emma is 7

Emma is SEVEN!!!

Her birthday picks:
dinner: Daddy's BBQ and Cool Ranch Doritos
Cake: Dirt pudding with gummy worms

Fun Facts about Emma:  She wants to be a dentist, artist, and a singer when she grows up!

Emma asked for an  E-reader (she had been asking for one for around 6 months) for her birthday present. Some where in one of those bags is one.  Emma loves to read.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

just funny

Emma walks in the room announces that she can speak Spanish.

Robert ask what can you say?

Emma says Yá'át'ééh, the Navajo word for hello.

Emma has over heard to many of her grandma Dina's phone calls.

Peyton in Sunday school class.

Sunday school teacher ask "who can say our verse".

Peyton raises her hand.

Sunday school teacher says," Peyton say our verse".

Peyton says, "our verse".

Sunday school teacher says again, "Peyton say our verse".

Peyton looking very serious and plain face, "our verse".

Emma, Peyton and I (mommy) on the couch saying our feet are cold daddy please get some socks, our feet our cold please get us some socks.

Hayden "I'll get the socks".

Hayden runs to the kitchen.

Hayden comes from the kitchen, yelling "I got the sauce", Holding a bottle of Texas Petes Hot sauce.

These 3 keep our house laughing!

soccer mom

If you would have told me 8 years ago I would be driving a mini van with 3 kids, taking them to Saturday morning games I would of told you where crazy....I love it!!! I enjoyed watching our girls, running, kicking, getting up in the action. I'm looking forward to the next 8 Saturday mornings, I love watching them play a sport that I loved so much when I was their age.

Monday, February 6, 2012

100 days of kindergarten

Peyton's kindergarten class celebrated 100 days of school on January 20th, 2012. Peyton has grown so much in those 100 days.  We have seen so many changes, our little Peyton poo poos has gone from our quieter, more reserved child, to wanting to be heard and express herself more.

Peyton's class made these lovely cereal neck less!

Peyton's signuature hair do "the cup cake"


Have you seen the movie Parenthood?  This is a clip of our story in the parenthood.

Monday, January 23, 2012

to be judge...

The girls have been coming home with fliers for a pageant, Little Miss South Side 2012. I have a BIG problem with this I don't want me girls to be judge on there looks. We, Robert and I, both want our girls to have strong self esteem.  We don't want them to be all about outer beauty.  We want our girls to be know for their character, their hearts, and their love for God.

Also, I couldn't even think about paying to enter the girls in to a pageant, $25 entry fee, $5 for each extra category or $40 for the entire pageant.  These young girls will be judged on most beautiful, best dressed, prettiest eyes, and prettiest hair. Each age group will have a queen and 4 alternates. I just couldn't pay to hear some one say my daughters aren't  pretty enough, or doesn't have the prettiest dress.

Robert and I tell our kids that they are prefect just the way they are because God made them and everything God does is prefect.