What is Lung Carcinoid Tumor?
Lung Carcinoid Tumors are uncommon type of tumor, less than 2% of lung cancers are Carcinoid. They tend to grow slower that other types of lung cancers. There are two types of carcinoid tumors.
- Typical carinoids grow slowly and rarely spread beyond the lungs. About 9 out 10 lung Carcinoids are typical.
- Atypical Carcinoids grow fast and are somewhat more likely to spread to other organs. Seen under a microscope, they have more cells in the process of diving and look more like a fast growing tumor. Atypical are much less common that Typical.
When something bad happens you have 3 choices, you can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you. - author unknown-
Robert and our family choose to let it strengthen us. I'm so proud of Robert he doesn't let this diagnose define him. He wants to face life full on!!!!