Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Robert's face book post to me: Happy Valentine's Day, my love!!! I am so thankful for the times we've had, good and bad, and for those yet to come. Thank you, God for bringing me my soul mate and best friend. See you when you get home!!!!!I love you!!! That's why I LOVE him, he is my favorite!!!

My Valentine made a wonderful dinner for our family, Daddy's famous Chocolate Pancake with Cinnamon Whipping Cream (the kids don't know this is a Paula Dean recipe)  YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY!!!! My wonderful husband woo me with his cooking skills and I love when he cooks and I just get to enjoy.

what the kids woke up to this morning 
Peyton Jo with her wild morning hair

Emma trying to make a heart with her hands

No Valentine's day picture of bubba (Hayden) he's the late sleeper and needs his morning Dino Dan before he will smile.

Emma had a great day her first Valentine's day party at school and no boys looked into her eyes, mommy and daddy where so happy to hear this news.